10 Rules For Introducing Your Toddler To Your New Baby


Having a baby is an exciting time, however, as a parent you are likely to feel apprehensive when it comes to introducing your new addition to your toddler. While there is no one rule fits all approach to this there are a few basic rules which can help guide you to make the first meeting run as smoothly as possible.rules-for-introducing-your-toddler-to-your-new-baby

  1. Gradually talk to your toddler about the concept of been a big brother or sister.
  2. Read a book about new babies to encourage your toddlers understanding about what it means to have a new baby in the family.
  3. Get them involved in your pregnancy. Don’t hide been pregnant as it will shock them when the new addition arrives.
  4. Encourage your toddler to interact with other babies before the birth. Hold your friend’s babies within sight of your toddler, if they seem jealous don’t panic, support your toddler’s reaction and praise them when appropriate.
  5. The first meeting should be relaxed. Most toddlers don’t like change so ensure you are in an environment which makes your toddler happy.
  6. Although the first meeting is a big moment for you try not to make it feel like that for your toddler.
  7. Involve your toddler in the basic care of your new baby. Simple tasks like getting you a clean nappy or wipes can help toddlers feel important in their new role.
  8. Keep to existing routines as best you can. Continue to send them to nursery as usual and keep bath time and bed time routines consistent where possible.
  9. Expect your toddlers behaviour to regress, from sleep to potty training, this is all completely normal and can happen a few weeks after the arrival of baby.
  10. Never stop your toddler interacting with the new baby. While toddlers can be heavy handed it is important they establish a bond, ensure your toddler understands to be gentle and always supervise.

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